Valentines Day is just around the corner. It means all the hearts, candies, and flowers are in full swing. Valentine’s Day is known as the day of love. We shower our loved ones with gifts, meals, and cards, all expressing how we truly feel about them. I know God doesn’t send Valentine’s Day cards, but he did send us something that shows exactly how He feels about us.
John 3:16 is arguably the most popular verse in all of scripture. Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Can you imagine that kind of love? I don’t know if I can ever fully comprehend what God has done for us. He took a part of Himself and sent Him here to live with humans. Jesus left heaven, was tempted by the Devil, was beaten and killed all so you and I can spend eternal life with Him in Heaven. Can you imagine that kind of love!? He did that for you and me!
Sometimes I think we forget how much we are loved. I think we forget the lengths that Jesus went to make sure we can have our sins wiped clean. I think we forget the suffering and pain Jesus endured to make sure we can be redeemed and forgiven. I don’t know why we forget such an amazing act of love, but we do. Every time we choose to sin…we forget Jesus’ love. Every time we turn our backs on Him…we forget Jesus’ love. Every time we choose the world…we forget Jesus’ love.
Take a moment today and remember what Jesus has done for us. Take a moment and thank Him for His amazing love and sacrifice, because without it, we would be hopeless.
~ Kevin
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