Marion Street Church of Christ is working to build a quality Bible class program. And you are invited to come take a look inside and see the great benefits that text-centered Bible learning offers you and your family! We offer Bible classes for children of all ages from infants to high-school aged students, as well as several different adult classes. We hope that your interest will be stirred to come and experience firsthand the benefits of a truly Bible-centered learning program for you and your family.
In our youth classes we teach from the curriculum “Our Spiritual Heritage”. Children see God’s plan to build His family unfold from Genesis through Revelation. They learn a few hundred stories that teach them about the kind of people God wants His family to be. Memorable characters and events from the Bible illustrate these powerful moral lessons and fix them in young minds. Children hear how the coming of Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s plan and the demonstration of God’s desire for adopting many sons and daughters. They discover that the Bible story is our story, God’s plan for us and for our family to be a part of His family, and for His book to be our spiritual heritage.
Text-centered Bible learning is the strength of
Our Spiritual Heritage
curriculum. Our classes are crafted to help families raise children who really know
the Bible. Parents have plenty of resources available for entertaining children. But few, if any, settings afford the opportunity for children to learn interesting Bible stories with memorable moral lessons and fascinating historical characters who model the spectrum of good and bad life choices and their respective consequences. Offering text-centered Bible instruction is our first commitment.
Positive encouragement is the rule in the classroom so that all students, whether new or old to the program, are praised for what they know and are learning, not embarrassed or singled out for what they have not yet learned. Interactive lessons engage brief attention spans and boundless energy. Repetition aids retention of important facts and practical lessons. Brief assignments include Bible readings and exercises that involve parents in the children’s spiritual education and reinforce the learning that takes place in the classroom.
Marion Street Church of Christ also provides Bible classes designed for

adults. The key to these offerings is balance; a balanced mix of Old and New Testament textual studies along with topical studies that address a variety of issues and challenges. We are blessed with an array of talented teachers; men who have spent years studying the Scriptures and developing the skills necessary to teach Biblical truth and provide practical, daily applications. We believe the Scriptures when they affirm that through God’s word, we “gain understanding” and come to know all we need for “life and godliness” (Psalm 119:104; 2 Peter 1:3). Marion Street Church of Christ is comprised of families who believe that Bible learning builds better homes, equips children and adults for making better life choices, and establishes a meaningful relationship with God and with others who share a serious devotion to Him. Classes for all ages are conducted every Sunday at 9 AM, and Wednesday at 6:30 PM.